I'm trying to render different elements based on the users' job profile status. I'm using FaunaDB with useSWR to fetch the data, and I'm getting the following object back when doing a console.log(userData):
jobProfile: {status: 'active'}
I'm importing and calling a function named profileStatusIndicator(userData)
on a page with the userData
as a parameter.
export const profileStatusIndicator = (userData) => {
console.log(userData) //returns object: jobProfile: {status: 'active'}
const profileStatus = (status) =>
console.log(profileStatus) //returns nothing
if (profileStatus("active")) return active
if (profileStatus("occupied")) return occupied
if (profileStatus("inactive")) return inactive
const active = (
<span className="absolute top-1 right-1 block h-6 w-6 rounded-full bg-green-400 ring-2 ring-white" />
const occupied = (
<span className="absolute top-1 right-1 block h-6 w-6 rounded-full bg-yellow-400 ring-2 ring-white" />
const inactive = (
<span className="absolute top-1 right-1 block h-6 w-6 rounded-full bg-gray-400 ring-2 ring-white" />
Doing a console.log(userData) returns the object. If I do a console.log(profileStatus) it does not return anything in the console.
Can you spot what I'm doing wrong?
My initial solution was to implement a switch statement in the profileStatusIndicator function:
const profileStatus = userData?.jobProfile?.status
const profileStatusIndicator = (profileStatus) => {
switch (profileStatus) {
case "active":
return (
<span className="absolute top-1 right-1 block h-6 w-6 rounded-full bg-green-400 ring-2 ring-white" />
case "inactive":
return (
<span className="absolute top-1 right-1 block h-6 w-6 rounded-full bg-gray-400 ring-2 ring-white" />
case "occupied":
return (
<span className="absolute top-1 right-1 block h-6 w-6 rounded-full bg-yellow-400 ring-2 ring-white" />
return (
<span className="absolute top-1 right-1 block h-6 w-6 rounded-full bg-gray-400 ring-2 ring-white" />
I then called the function where I wanted it to show.