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How can I use row index values as column for dataframe?

So, I collected data from 21 participants with 16 EEG channels and I extracted the Gamma band. My current dataframe looks like this ([336 rows x 2 columns]):

Channels Gamma
Fp1 0.345908
Fp2 0.121232
F3 0.213212
..... ....

Now I want to transpose it in such a way, that I have the gamma values for each channel in one column. Like this:

Fp1 Fp2 F3 .... Oz
0.067005 0.345908 0.207540 .... 0.013512
0.137292 0.121232 0.121210 .... 0.121111
0.112121 0.213212 0.123443 .... 0.432233

when I just transpose the dataframe, then I get one row with all channels next to each other:

Fp1 Fp1 Fp1 .... Oz Oz Oz
0.067005 0.345908 0.207540 .... 0.013512 0.12123 0.112423

I looked at pd.melt but I can't figure it out. Can someone help?

Thank you in advance!


  • One approach is to group by the Channels and then set these groups as columns of your new dataframe. Assuming following dataframe:

      Channels     Gamma
    0      Fp1  0.345908
    1      Fp2  0.121232
    2      Fp1  0.455908
    3      Fp2  0.213212

    Then apply this code to the dataframe:

            {k: g.reset_index(drop=True) 
                for k, g in df.groupby('Channels')['Gamma']}, axis=1)

    and receive the following output:

            Fp1       Fp2
    0  0.345908  0.121232
    1  0.455908  0.213212