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How to find the number of video games released triannually?

Lets say i have a table videogames and I want to find the number of games released in in intervals of 3 years starting from year 1997.


videogameid title year
1 GoldenEye 007 1997
2 Tomb Raider II 1997
3 Half-Life 1998
4 The Sims 2000
5 GTA (III) 2001
6 Kingdom Hearts 2003
7 World Of Warcraft 2004
8 ES4: Oblivion 2006
9 L.A. Noire 2011
10 Far Cry 3 2012
11 Diablo III 2012

From the table, the expected output should be Year (1997-1999) = 3, Year (2000-2002) = 2, Year(2003 - 2005) = 2, Year(2006-2008) = 1, Year (2009 - 2011 ) = 1 and Year (2012-2014)= 2

This is my attempt at solving the code:

SELECT COUNT(videogameid) AS number_of_videogames
FROM videogames 
WHERE INTERVAL(1997,2,2,2,2,2,2)

For some reason, I got returned back more than 100 ++ rows of answers when they should only be 6 rows for each interval.


  • Update 2022-03-06

    It seems strange to list the totals with no reference year numbers :-) but if that's all you want, try:

    WITH recursive ReleaseYears AS (
      -- build list of years 
      SELECT MIN(`year`) AS YearNum
      FROM   VideoGames
      SELECT YearNum + 1
      FROM   ReleaseYears
      WHERE  YearNum <= ( SELECT MAX(`year`) + 2 FROM VideoGames) 
    SELECT COUNT(vg.videogameid) AS Num
    FROM   ( -- group year numbers in groups of 3 
             SELECT FLOOR((ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT YearNum)) -1) / 3) + 1 AS YearGroup
                   , YearNum
             FROM   ReleaseYears
           ) y LEFT JOIN VideoGames vg ON y.YearNum = vg.`year`
    GROUP BY YearGroup       
    HAVING COUNT(vg.videogameid) > 0


    | Num |
    | --: |
    |   3 |
    |   2 |
    |   2 |
    |   1 |
    |   1 |

    Original Answer

    If you want to display the year in format "(min-max)":

    WITH recursive ReleaseYears AS (
      SELECT MIN(`year`) AS YearNum
      FROM   VideoGames
      SELECT YearNum + 1
      FROM   ReleaseYears
      WHERE  YearNum <= ( SELECT MAX(`year`) + 2 FROM VideoGames) 
    SELECT YearGroup
           , CONCAT_WS('-', MIN(YearNum), MAX(YearNum)) AS YearRange
           , COUNT(vg.videogameid) AS Num
    FROM   (
             SELECT FLOOR((ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT YearNum)) -1) / 3) + 1 AS YearGroup
                   , YearNum
             FROM   ReleaseYears
           ) y LEFT JOIN VideoGames vg ON y.YearNum = vg.`year`
    GROUP BY YearGroup       
    HAVING COUNT(vg.videogameid) > 0


    YearGroup | YearRange | Num
    --------: | :-------- | --:
            1 | 1997-1999 |   3
            2 | 2000-2002 |   2
            3 | 2003-2005 |   2
            4 | 2006-2008 |   1
            5 | 2009-2011 |   1
            6 | 2012-2014 |   2

    db<>fiddle here