When state changes recomposition should fire. In code sample one state changes but recomposition doesn't fire but in code sample two state changes onButtonClick and recomposition fires.
How to make code sample one to recompose on state change?
fun doSomething(){
val context = LocalContext.current
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
var shouldDo by remember{ mutableStateOf(false) }
//Fetch a data from dataSource
//then change the state
shouldDo = true
//Process the data when @shouldDo state changes to true
Log.e("=======================", "shouldDo: $shouldDo")
fun doSomeOtherThing() {
var shouldDo by remember{ mutableStateOf(false) }
Log.e("=======================", "shouldDo: $shouldDo")
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()){
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center),
onClick = {
shouldDo = true
) {
Text(text = "Button")
How to make code sample one to recompose on state change?
You should use a SideEffect
to mutate state during first composition in order for these changes to take "effect" :
fun doSomething() {
var shouldDo by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
if (shouldDo) {
Log.e("=======================", "shouldDo: $shouldDo")
SideEffect {
shouldDo = true
Further reading : https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/side-effects