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How can I filter a file based on my input file?

I have list of phone number (25million) I want to use that list as input file. Lets say that I have email phone database and I want to only extract phone number that available in input file(25 million) How can I do that in em editor? Or in any large file?


  • Suppose you have a 25 million phone number list (file A) and a phone-email database file (file B).

    To extract all matched lines or matched strings (updated)

    1. Please make sure EmEditor is up-to-date including beta versions (v21.5.910 or later).
    2. Optionally, presort file A to make filtering faster. To do this, open file A with EmEditor, click the Sort A to Z button on the Sort toolbar to sort, and save the file as a different file name if you prefer (file A2).
    3. Open file B with EmEditor.
    4. Drag and drop file A2 or file A from Explorer to the Filter box on the Filter toolbar. (Alternatively, click Advanced Filter button on the Filter toolbar. Click on the right side of the Add button, select Add a Linked File. Select file A2 or file A.)
    5. Make sure the Match Case option is set.
    6. Click Filter button. Wait for the filtering finish. This might take several minutes. Then click Close button.

    Advanced Filter

    1. Click Extract All drop-down button on the Filter toolbar, then select Extract All Lines if you would like to retrieve all matched lines, or select Extract All Matches to retrieve all matched strings.

    Filter toolbar

    The filter and extract processes take only several seconds to finish.