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Canvas quiz imported through exams2canvas is missing solution materials/answer feedback

I exported the quiz generated by sample code of exams2canvas:

options(device.ask.default = FALSE)
## define an exams (= list of exercises)
myexam <- c(

## output directory
dir.create(mydir <- tempfile())

## generate .zip with OpenOLAT test in temporary directory
exams2canvas(myexam, n = 3, dir = mydir)

I was able to import the zip file into Canvas as a quiz. However, when I check the quiz, the comment for each answer appears to be missing. I checked the xml file generated by exams2canvas() and the file does contain solutions and explanations for each question in the <solutionmaterial> block. For some reason they are not imported to Canvas.

Any pointers to help fix this issue will be very much appreciated!

Screenshot 1 of empty comments here

Screenshot 2 of empty comments here

Edit: Included screenshot of empty comments.


  • It turns out the issue was because I was using an older version of r-exams (exams_2.3-6). Once I updated the package to the development version (currently exams_2.4-0) using

    install.packages("exams", repos="")

    as suggested by @AchimZeileis in this thread, then the question-level feedback displays correctly in Canvas.

    Big shout-out to Achim and the entire r-exams team for developing a tremendously useful package and for the helpful and detailed responses.