I would like to get the users' name and email of a specific group when querying an LDAP server using ldap3 Python library. I have been trying the following command, but I am not getting also the email address.
Any idea how to get have this filter to retrieve the desired data? This query is not retrieving also the email address.
Thank you.
If everyone needs the same query, here is the answer:
# Firstly find out the DN associated with LDAP group
c.search(base_dn, '(sAMAccountName="test-group")',
search_scope=SUBTREE, attributes=['distinguishedName', 'member'])
dn_json = json.loads(c.response_to_json())
distinguished_name = dn_json["entries"][0]["attributes"]["distinguishedName"]
# Retrieve data based on DN
c.search(base_dn, '(&(objectclass=user)(memberOf={}))'.format(distinguished_name),
attributes=["givenName", "sn", "mail"])
user_data = json.loads(c.response_to_json())
for index in range(len(user_data["entries"])):
first_name = user_data["entries"][index]["attributes"]["givenName"]
surname = user_data["entries"][index]["attributes"]["sn"]
mail = user_data["entries"][index]["attributes"]["mail"]