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NextJS router.query not giving the ID param

I am making crud using nextjs as frontend and CodeIgniter as backend I am following a tutorial where the frontend is reactjs. in reactJs when the updating part of the crud comes we can use the react-router-dom useParam function to get the ID but in nextJS we use router.query and it does not work so I am now stuck on how to get the id of the specific column to update it

 const { id } = router.query;

  const getProductById = async () => {
// if (id !== undefined && id != null && id > 0) {
  const response = await axios.get(`http://localhost:8080/companies/${id}`);
// }};

This is the code I am using and it gives an error that



  • You can get on the server-side and then pass it to the client-side

    export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
      const { id } = context.query;
      console.log(`query id: ${id}`);
      return { props: { id } };

    Now id is passed as prop to the client:

    const YourComponent=(props)=>{
       console.log("passed id prop",