I'm trying to get the SEO title from a custom taxonomy.
Here's my current code for it:
$my_yoast_wpseo_title = get_term_meta( $term_id, '_wpseo_title', true );
if( $my_yoast_wpseo_title ){
echo $my_yoast_wpseo_title;
} else {
echo 'No title';
It doesn't work.
So I tried different meta keys like _yoast_wpseo_title
and everything I could find in their docs and other snippets.
Nothing works.
So I checked the complete output of get_term_meta
. Like this:
$my_yoast_wpseo_title = get_term_meta( $term_id );
It shows a lot of meta fields. But the Yoast meta isn't stored there?! Is their any other place?
The taxonomy has a custom SEO title and shows it in the frontend.
The Yoast SEO Titles for Terms are stored in the options
This will at least give you the idea you're after.
$options = get_option( 'wpseo_taxonomy_meta' );
// $options will be an array of taxonomies where the taxonomy name is the array key.
$term_id = get_queried_object_id();
foreach ( $options['your_term_here'] as $id => $option ) {
if ( $term_id === $id ) {
/* This returns an array with the following keys
echo ( ! empty( $option['wpseo_title'] ) ) ? $option['wpseo_title'] : 'no title';