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How do I change colours of different bars in SAS?

proc sgplot data=WORK.CUSTOMERDATA;
    title height=14pt "Bar Chart of Gender";
    vbar Gender / fillattrs= (color=CX024ae6) datalabel;
    yaxis grid;

ods graphics / reset;

Bar Chart of Graduated

how do I change the colour of individual bars ? I have tried fill= and styleattrs datacolors= but it doesn't seem to work..


  • Should you wish to have one color for the graduated and another for the ones that did not, the following should provide the desired output

    proc sgplot data=customerdata;
    title height=14pt "Bar Chart of Graduated";
    styleattrs datacolors=(blue red) ;
    vbar Graduated / group=Graduated filltype=solid datalabel;
    yaxis grid;

    enter image description here