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Creating an amortization schedule in snowflake

I have a view in snowflake that gives me the following:

  • loan date
  • loan amount
  • maturity date
  • payment frequency (weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly)
  • payment amount

I want to generate a sort of amortization schedule off of this, if you will. So if i have a loan with a date of 1/1/2022, and a maturity date of 3/9/2022 and a payment frequency of biweekly @ $50 per payment, i would want to see an output like:

LoanID Payment Date Payment Amount Payment Frequency
abc123 1/15/2022 $50.00 biweekly
abc123 1/29/2022 $50.00 biweekly
abc123 2/12/2022 $50.00 biweekly
abc123 2/26/2022 $50.00 biweekly
abc123 3/09/2022 $50.00 biweekly

I'm assuming i need some sort of loop while payment date < maturity date and sum(payment amount) < loan amount, but i'm not sure how to set that up properly for a view with thousands of loans. ANY help you all can provide would be incredible and i'm very grateful!


  • You can get this by writing a Recursive CTE, just remember that the default is limited to 100 iterations, if you need more loops then check this MAX_RECURSIONS parameter.

    This is just an example of code, you should extend it to include some extreme data protection;

    Sample data:

        LoanID STRING,
        Loan_date DATE,
        Loan_amount NUMERIC(12,2),
        Maturity_date DATE,
        Payment_frequency STRING,
        Payment_amount NUMERIC(12,2)
    INSERT INTO LoanTable
    VALUES ('abc123', '1/1/2022', 250, '3/9/2022', 'biweekly', 50);


    WITH Recursive_CTE AS (
      SELECT LoanID, 
             CASE Payment_frequency WHEN 'weekly'      THEN DATEADD(WEEK, 1, Loan_date)
                                    WHEN 'biweekly'    THEN DATEADD(WEEK, 2, Loan_date)
                                    WHEN 'semimonthly' THEN DATEADD(DAY, 15, Loan_date) -- I don't know how the semimonthly value is determined??
                                    WHEN 'monthly'     THEN DATEADD(MONTH, 1, Loan_date) END AS Payment_Date,
             Loan_amount - Payment_amount AS Left_to_pay,
        FROM LoanTable
       UNION ALL
      SELECT LoanID, 
             CASE Payment_frequency WHEN 'weekly'      THEN DATEADD(WEEK, 1, Payment_Date)
                                    WHEN 'biweekly'    THEN DATEADD(WEEK, 2, Payment_Date)
                                    WHEN 'semimonthly' THEN DATEADD(DAY, 15, Payment_Date) -- I don't know how the semimonthly value is determined??
                                    WHEN 'monthly'     THEN DATEADD(MONTH, 1, Payment_Date) END AS Payment_Date,
             IFF(Left_to_pay - Payment_amount < 0, Left_to_pay, Left_to_pay - Payment_amount) AS Left_to_pay,
        FROM Recursive_CTE  
       WHERE Left_to_pay > 0
    SELECT LoanID, IFF(Payment_Date > Maturity_date, Maturity_date, Payment_Date) AS Payment_Date, Payment_amount, Left_to_pay, Payment_frequency
      FROM Recursive_CTE
     ORDER BY LoanID, Payment_Date;