ppt=function(v, tail = 0.5){
if (tail == 1){
} else {
if (v < 11) {
} else {tail*6/pi^2/(v-10)^2}
curve(ppt(tail = 0.2))
Error in curve(ppt(tail = 0.2)) :
'expr' must be a function, or a call or an expression containing 'x'
How should I plot a smooth curve for the function ppt() with different values of variable tail?
Thank you.
Maybe the following trick?
w = 0.2
g <- function(z) ppt(z, tail = w)
And do not forget to replace, as @MrFlick points out in the comment:
if (v < 11) {
} else {tail*6/pi^2/(v-10)^2}
ifelse(v < 11, (1-tail)*(11-v)/55, tail*6/pi^2/(v-10)^2)