In SimpleGADriver of OpenMDAO, is the penalty factor applied on the scaled constraint values or the original ones?
In my problem I have an objective and a few constraints each of different orders of magnitude, therefore I apply scaling factors when defining them, for instance: model.add_objective('obj', ref=1e6)
. This way, at the driver level, I have all functions of the order of 1.
I set penalty_exponent=2
and penalty_parameter=20
, which are quite high, yet the driver seems to favour highly unfeasible points with low objective function value.
I would appreciate any tips.
The code is applying the penalty to the scaled objectives and constraints. The relevant lines are here, and specifically lines
obj_values = self.get_objective_values()
fun = obj + penalty * sum(np.power(constraint_violations, exponent))
The get_objective_values()
method by default returns thing in driver scaled values. The constraints work the same way.