My old script worked fine years ago.
set terminal png background "#ffffff" enhanced fontscale 2.0 size 1800, 1400
set output 'delete.png'
z = 60
plot '' using (column(x)/z):(column(y)) axis x1y1 with lines
exit gnuplot
Now result in graph with only rounded integer points in y(vertical) axe. I dont understand why. Example data in file:
0 -0,00 0,5 570,2 11,98 -0,121 0,000 9,6
5 -0,00 0,7 570,2 11,97 -0,002 0,012 13,2
10 -0,00 0,9 570,3 11,98 -0,004 -0,000 16,1
15 0,24 35,9 570,4 11,96 0,001 0,000 18,4
20 0,56 87,0 570,1 11,99 -0,001 -0,000 20,5
25 1,03 173,5 570,4 11,97 -0,000 0,000 23,2
30 1,61 296,4 570,3 11,96 0,002 0,000 12,4
35 2,17 422,6 570,2 11,68 0,004 0,000 8,8
40 2,81 571,6 570,2 11,37 0,010 0,001 7,5
45 3,52 752,3 570,3 11,26 0,015 0,000 7,1
50 3,97 905,0 570,2 11,69 0,075 0,006 7,4
55 4,36 1048,4 570,1 11,36 0,081 0,001 8,6
60 4,59 1156,8 570,2 11,22 0,087 0,001 10,7
Result graph:
Maybe the local setting of your system (or something in gnuplot) has changed? The following works for me with your data.
Add a line
set decimalsign locale "german"
set decimalsign locale "french"
Check help decimalsign
Syntax: set decimalsign {<value> | locale {"<locale>"}}
Correct typesetting in most European countries requires:
set decimalsign ','
Please note: If you set an explicit string, this affects only numbers that are printed using gnuplot's gprintf() formatting routine, including axis tics. It does not affect the format expected for input data, and it does not affect numbers printed with the sprintf() formatting routine.