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Ionic how to upload a file as binary using httpclient getting 599 status

Hi i am sending blob file to with httpclient and getting 599 status code please help"url",blobfile,{headers:'content-type':'image/jpeg'}).subscribe(r=>{

getting 599 error this works fine on webview but doesn't work on native android device as i am using ionic-native-http-connection-backend and included this in app.module.ts

providers:[{ provide: HttpBackend, useClass: NativeHttpFallback, deps: [Platform, NativeHttpBackend, HttpXhrBackend] }]

i am using ionic 6 can anyone help me with this?


  • use this in app.module.ts resolves the issue

    provide: HttpBackend, useFactory:
     (platform: Platform, nativeHttpBackend: NativeHttpBackend, httpXhrBackend: HttpXhrBackend) = {
              if ('android')) {
                return httpXhrBackend;
              } else {
                return new NativeHttpFallback(platform, nativeHttpBackend, httpXhrBackend);
      }, deps: [Platform, NativeHttpBackend, HttpXhrBackend]

    this resolves 599 issue