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Fluent UI React how to change nav link icon color?

I want to change the nav link icon color. If I set the primary color by creating a custom theme it won't effect.

    palette: {
      themePrimary: getTheme().palette.teal,

Actually it worked on hover but not on normal view. I tried setting the iconProps but it didn't work either.

links: [
    name: "Overview",
    icon: "WebAppBuilderFragment",
    iconProps: { color: "white" },

How can I change these icons color?

enter image description here


  • IconProps is an object with following props. Use styles to set icon color:

    links: [
        name: "Overview",
        iconProps: {
          iconName: 'WebAppBuilderFragment',
          styles: {
            root: { color: '#f00' },

    Codepen working example.