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Can I collect explode then explode again?

I'm trying to create data save variable using a text file. I read that the collect function in laravel is the right choice for managing the data.

Here is the data saved after I exploded with PHP_EOL : dd output: exploded variable

What I want to do is explode once more per array with "|", so my code is like this but it can't.


This code can only be applied if it is accompanied by a manual array like this :


The dd output: dd output: manual array


  • As I think you've worked out, explode returns an array but accepts a string, so you can't pass the result of explode directly to another explode call.

    Instead you need to get each individual string in the array produced by the first explode, and explode each one separately.

    Clearly it's not practical to try and hard-code a reference to each item of the array (as per your attempt), so instead you can use a loop to fetch each item, or a slightly neater way is to use array_map, like in the following example:

    function pipeExplode($str)
        return explode("|", $str);
    $text = "sdlkfjsdl|kwflwerflwekr|wlkjlgk4w\n3rtljhrfgkjed|3jhkrjghd|4t44thj\n33rtlhwege|3rth3herjgke|hkjfgdf";
    $arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $text);
    $finalArr = array_map('pipeExplode', $arr);


    This will take each string from the first array, pass it through the pipeExplode function to get a new array back from that, and then add that array back into the outer array which is returned by the array_map function.