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What do meta-if tags in Tumblr do?

The example Tumblr gives is

        <!-- DEFAULTS -->
        <meta name="if:Show people I follow" content="1"/>
        <meta name="if:Reverse pagination" content="0"/>
            <a href="...">Previous</a> <a href="...">Next</a>

            <a href="...">Next</a> <a href="...">Previous</a>

            <div id="following">...</div>

For these meta-if tags, when I change content="1" to content="0" or content="" nothing seems to happen to the appearance of my tumblr. I don't understand what these meta-if tags do.

According to Tumblr: By including the special meta-if tags in your theme, users can easily toggle options you define. This is useful for showing or hiding different widgets or design elements.

I understood this as you can show/hide different design elements by changing the content value ie. content="0", content="1", content="". But nothing seems to happen to the design if I do this.

I googled this and I can't find any explanation elaborating on what Tumblr says. Can someone please explain?


  • Tumblr uses meta tags to save preferences of the theme. Meta if will cause that user gets a new checkbox on the Appearance menu. If its checked than the

    <div id="following">...</div>

    will be shown on your page. So there should be new div element in the page source and three dots displayed on the page.