I have created new dataset using snowflake connector and used the same as source dataset in lookup activity.
Then I am trying to INSERT the record into snowflake using following query. 'INSERT INTO SAMPLE_TABLE VALUES('TEST',1,1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,'TEST'-- (all values are passed)
Result: The row getting inserted into snowflake but my pipeline got failed stating the below error.
Failure happened on 'Source' side. ErrorCode=UserErrorOdbcInvalidQueryString,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=The following ODBC Query is not valid: 'INSERT INTO SAMPLE_TABLE VALUES('TEST',1,1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,'TEST');'
Could you please share you advise or anylead to solve this problem.
Thanks. Rajesh
Lookup, as the name suggests, is for searching and retrieving data, not for inserting. However, you can enclose your INSERT code in a procedure and execute it using the Lookup activity.
However, I strongly do not recommend such an action, remember that when inserting data into Snowflake, you create at least one micro-partition with a size of 16MB, if you insert one line at a time, the performance will be terrible and the data will take up a disproportionate amount of space. Remember Snowlfake is not a transaction database (! OLTP).
Instead, it's better to save all the records in an intermediate file and then import the entire file in one move.