I want to use zuluJDK for compile and AdoptJDK for run because of some reason.
but I can not find a way.
I've seen how to set compiler on Intellij web site. but there is no way to use different jdk for compile.
Even if i do not use IntelliJ, please let me know if there is a way to use other jdk in compiling and running
you mean compile with zuluJDK and run with AdoptJDK?
open project structure settings(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S) and change sdk to zuluJDK
make jar or war file to run (compile and package)
run jar as cmd with AdoptJDK
cd C:\Program Files :: x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_321\bin (AdoptJDK installed folder where include java.exe
java -jar packged.jar