So there are a lot of gaps about this task (earlier staff who were handling upgrades have left and this task has landed in my plate).
We currently use Mule 3.9.1 EE runtime ( standalone EE not CE )
So when i login to MuleSoft and lookup downloads :
Here is where I am confused ... Our scripts ( Dockerfile ) are referring to a amazon s3 bucket which is a http endpoint and is accessible by all which does not sound correct to me.
So I am strongly suspecting that this may have been done as a hack to bypass the Dockerfile script from authenticating against MuleSoft's website : i.e. ( we have access to MuleSoft support so maybe we have downloaded the runtime and then hosted it on a public s3 bucket) and then referred to this s3 location to download the same.
This to me just does not seem correct... I am wondering how others in the world go about it?
Another option i can think of is downloading the Mule runtime from MuleSoft download page and then uploading to our private artifactory.
If you upload a propietary product like Mule EE to a public repository you are most likely in violation of the license. You should take it down immediately.