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Dask Repartition by Index Not working as Expected, Resulting in 2 Instead of 3 Partitions

I'm trying to repartition my dask dataframe by city. I currently have over 1M rows but only 3 cities. So naturally, I expect to have 3 partitioned dataframes based of off the parameter I included.

Code I'm using directly from the Dask documentaion site:

ddf_1 = ddf.set_index("City")
ddf_2 = ddf_1.repartition(divisions=list(ddf_1.index.unique().compute()))

I created a dummy DF below to help explain what I would like as a result. Below I have an imbalanced dataset based on City. I want to partition the DF based on the number of unique cities.

enter image description here

Ideal result:

  1. enter image description here

  2. enter image description here

  3. enter image description here

However, after running the above code. I'm getting only two partitions where each of the two partitions include 2 unique indexes (i.e. Cities). I can't figure out why after explicitly indicating how dask should partition the DF, it results in 2 instead of 3 partitions. One thought is maybe since the DF is imbalanced, it ignored the 'divisions' parameter.


  • As explained in the docstring of set_index, len(divisons) is equal to npartitions + 1. This is because divisions represents the upper and lower bounds of each partition. Therefore, if you want your Dask DataFrame to have 3 partitions, you need to pass a list of length 4 to divisions. Additionally, when you call set_index on a Dask DataFrame, it will repartition according to the arguments passed, so there is no need to call repartition immediately afterwards. I would recommend doing:

    import dask.dataframe as dd
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame({
        'City': ['Miami'] * 4 + ['Chicago'] * 2 + ['Detroit'],
        'House_ID': [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 2],
        'House_Price': [100000, 500000, 400000, 300000, 250000, 135000, 269000]
    ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=2).set_index(
        'City', divisions=['Chicago', 'Detroit', 'Miami', 'Miami'])

    Alternatively, you can let Dask pick the best partitioning based on memory use by changing the last line in the above snippet to ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=2).set_index('City', npartitions='auto')