I am trying to calculate the following ( the image says f(n) = n \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} (c(i)*(1-c(i))^n)):
where c(i) is
c <- function(i){1/i^3}
In other words, f(2) is 2*{1^(-3)(1-1^(-3))^2+2^(-3)(1-2^(-3))^2+3^(-3)(1-3^(-3))^2+4^(-3)(1-4^(-3))^2+...}.
How to write such an f function in R?
My initial attempt is:
f <- function(n){n*sum(c*(1-c)^n)}
but this is obviously wrong with error
Error in 1 - c : non-numeric argument to binary operator
Please let me know if further clarification is needed. Thanks.
Clearly, you can't get an infinite sum unless you tackle it analytically, but since we can see that it's a convergent sum, we could look at, say, the first million like this:
f <- function(n) {
C <- 1 / seq(1e6)^3
n * sum(C * (1 - C)^n)
Which allows:
#> [1] 0.1847138
#> [1] 0.3387583
#> [1] 0.4674204
In case you are worried that this is not accurate enough, we get the same result out to 7 digits by summing only the first 10,000 terms, so 1 million should be very close to the converged value.