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Bridgetalk - adobe scripting saving with variables, proper quoting, replace string with variable in string script

I'm having an issue with saving a file and I can't tell why it's not working. This is original code. I believe I'm commenting out the variables incorrectly or adobe syntax is incorrect. Does anyone have experience with this? (part that is broken: ,app.activeDocument.saveAs(File('"+psdpath+"'/' +'PLACEHOLDER', '"+parentdirectory+"'))";). Quote variations are important otherwise it doesn't properly send to illustrator.

Full script:

#target photoshop
//run action in photoshop
app.doAction ("action name", "action set name");
//get path of the open document
var psdpath = activeDocument.path.fsName;
//get directory name of psd, to use in filename later
var parentdirectory =;

//start bridgetalk
var bt = new BridgeTalk;
//targets version 25. v26 crashes if window isnt active at run = "illustrator-25";
//run action in illustrator (which opens an eps w/linked file and performs certain tasks) and then save the document
        var script = "app.doScript('action name', 'action set name'),app.activeDocument.saveAs(File('"+psdpath+"'/' +'PLACEHOLDER', '"+parentdirectory+"'))";
//the entire action must be within double quotes        
//     var script = alert("test", "this sends alert to photoshop");
//     var script = "alert('test', 'this sends alert to illustrator'),alert('"+psdpath+"', '"+psdpath+"')"; //psdpath is properly sent to illustrator
        bt.body = script;

UPDATE 03/03/2022 Partially working (string replace does not work):

#target photoshop
var psdpath = activeDocument.path.fsName;
var parentdirectory =;
app.doAction ("Photoshop Action Name", "Photoshop action Set");
var strScript = """
app.doScript("Illustrator Action Name", "Illustrator Action Set"); 
var doc = app.activeDocument;  
if (documents.length > 0){    
    var saveOpts = new EPSSaveOptions(); 
    saveOpts.embedLinkedFiles = embedImage = false;
    saveOpts.embedAllFonts = embedFont = true;
    saveOpts.includeDocumentThumbnails = false;
    saveOpts.saveMultipleArtboards = false;
        fullDocName = doc.fullName;
        for (i=0; i<doc.layers.length; i++){
            if (i-1<0) doc.layers[i].visible = true;
            else {
                doc.layers[i-1].visible = false;
                doc.layers[i].visible = true;
            if (doc.layers[i].locked == false) {    
                docName = doc.layers[i].name+".eps";    
                var saveName = new File ( psdpathh + "/" + parentdirectoryy + ".eps");
                doc.saveAs( saveName, saveOpts );
var editedScript = strScript.replace("psdpathh", psdpath);
var editedScript2 = editedScript.replace("parentdirectoryy", parentdirectory);
var bt = new BridgeTalk; = "illustrator-25";
        bt.body = editedScript2;


  • #target photoshop
    app.doAction ("ps action name", "ps action set"); //replace w your action details
    var psdpath = activeDocument.path.fsName;
    var parentdirectory =;
    var strScript = """
    app.doScript("illustrator action name", "illustrator action set"); //replace w your action details
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    if (documents.length > 0){
        // Create the illusrtratorSaveOptions object to set the AI options
        var saveOpts = new EPSSaveOptions();
        // Setting IllustratorSaveOptions properties. 
        saveOpts.embedLinkedFiles = embedImage = true;
        saveOpts.embedAllFonts = embedFont = true;
        saveOpts.includeDocumentThumbnails = true;
        saveOpts.saveMultipleArtboards = false;
            fullDocName = doc.fullName;
            for (i=0; i<doc.layers.length; i++){
                if (i-1<0) doc.layers[i].visible = true;
                else {
                    doc.layers[i-1].visible = false;
                    doc.layers[i].visible = true;
                if (doc.layers[i].locked == false) {    
                    docName = doc.layers[i].name+".eps";    
                    var saveName = new File ( "%1/%2 -- suffix.eps"); //replace " -- suffix" to whatever, keep .eps 
                    doc.saveAs( saveName, saveOpts );
    var editedScript = strScript.replace("%1", psdpath).replace("%2", parentdirectory);
    BridgeTalk.bringToFront("illustrator-25"); // switch view to illustrator to prevent crashing 
    var bt = new BridgeTalk;
    //declare your illustrator version = "illustrator-25";         
    bt.body = editedScript;