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vectorize a loop with iterative conditions to generate a mask

I am trying to vectorize the following problem:

time_lag = np.linspace(0, 10, 50)
time = np.arange(100)
dt = np.abs(time[:,None]-time[None, :]) ## calculate matrix of differences
mask = []
for num in range(len(time_lag)-1):
  m0 = (time_lag[num] < dt) & (dt < time_lag[num+1])
  ## do something with mask 

mask = np.array(mask)

Ideally I would obtain an mask array with shape (49,100,100) corresponding to the dt.shape and time_lag.size-1. I am looking for a true vectorization of the for loop (i.e. not with np.vectorize). Is this possible with np.where?


  • Not paying attention to what the code does, but this gives the equivalent result, as if you ask do mask = np.array(mask) at the end of your code.

    time_lag = np.linspace(0, 10, 50)
    time = np.arange(100)
    dt = np.abs(time[:,None]-time[None, :]) ## calculate matrix of differences
    # vectorized
    mask_p = (time_lag[:-1, None, None] < dt[None]) & \
           (dt[None] < time_lag[1:, None, None])
    # iterative
    mask = []
    for num in range(len(time_lag)-1):
      m0 = (time_lag[num] < dt) & (dt < time_lag[num+1])
      ## do something with mask 
    mask = np.asarray(mask)
    assert np.all(mask == mask_p)