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gcloud Firestore import: PERMISSION_DENIED

I am trying to import a bucket containing a Firestore database export into antoher Firebase project. I have been following this guide on how to do this.

When running the gcloud firestore import, I run into the following issue:

ERROR: (gcloud.firestore.import) PERMISSION_DENIED: Service account does not have access to Google Cloud Storage file: /bucket/EXPORT_PREFIX.overall_export_metadata. See for a list of permissions needed. Error details: [email protected] does not have storage.buckets.get access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket.

I did however use the following command to grant access to the bucket:

gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:[email protected]:admin gs://bucket_name

This did not give me any error whatsoever, so I assume it ran as expected. I triple checked and believe I was working in the correct projects while using these commands.

I think that perhaps the import command is ran with another service account than [email protected]:admin, but am unsure about this or on how to ensure the correct service account is being used.

Any help on resolving this would be highly appreciated! :)


  • The error message appears to include the Service Account in question:

    Error details:
    [email protected]
    does not have storage.buckets.get access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket.

    I think you need to:

    gsutil iam ch \
    serviceAccount:[service-XXX] \

    Replacing [service-XXX] and [bucket-name]