this example.
I read the documentation for class ChatParticipant
and I found out that it can show the time from which the chat history is shared with the participant. The default date is 1/1/1970 00:00.
I would like to make this date variable, so that a user can only see messages from the moment he joined the chat on.
Is there a way to do it?
Thank you in advance
Can you try to set the property for ShareHistoryTime at the time of adding a participant to the Chat thread?. e.g in the below example, it is set to current time.
// ThreadId : Chat ThreadId , participantUserId : participant communication user Identifier
ChatThreadClient chatThreadClient =
chatThreadClient.AddParticipant(new ChatParticipant(
new CommunicationUserIdentifier(participantUserId))
DisplayName = displayName,
ShareHistoryTime = DateTimeOffset.Now
You can refer Chat Participant Properties here