I have the df below.
Postcode A B C D E
1 4251 45.8 55.1 70.2 79.5 102
2 4254 41.7 51.0 66.1 75.3 97.9
3 4255 45.5 48.7 63.9 73.1 95.6
4 4681 114 100 96.4 102 125
I want the minimum value of each row where postcode is not a number but a character.
expected output:
Postcode Dis Location
1 4251 45.8 A
2 4254 41.7 A
3 4255 45.5 A
4 4681 96.4 C
df |>
pivot_longer(cols = A:E, names_to = "Location", values_to = "Dis") |>
group_by(Postcode) |>
filter(Dis == min(Dis))
+ # A tibble: 4 × 3
# Groups: Postcode [4]
Postcode Location Dis
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 4251 A 45.8
2 4254 A 41.7
3 4255 A 45.5
4 4681 C 96.4