Search code examples

Time Buckets to group the data in Python

I would like to have a certain time buckets and then find the difference of each time bucket to analyse.

For example,

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': 'A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1'.split(),
                   'Date':'23.10.2021 23.10.2021 23.10.2021 23.10.2021 23.10.2021 23.10.2021'.split(),
                   'Time': '06:05:31 06:11:13 06:19:22 06:25:03 06:33:12 06:44:05'.split(),
                   'Cumulative': '12 17 19 23 29 38'.split()})


     A        Date      Time Cumulative
0  A-1  23.10.2021  06:05:31         12
1  A-1  23.10.2021  06:11:13         17
2  A-1  23.10.2021  06:19:22         19
3  A-1  23.10.2021  06:25:03         23
4  A-1  23.10.2021  06:33:12         29
5  A-1  23.10.2021  06:44:05         38

What I'd like to have is ceiling the hours by 15 mins intervals and find the difference of each, 1st Step:

     A        Date      Time Cumulative      TimeBuckets
0  A-1  23.10.2021  06:05:31         12         06:15:00 
1  A-1  23.10.2021  06:11:13         17         06:15:00 
2  A-1  23.10.2021  06:19:22         19         06:30:00 
3  A-1  23.10.2021  06:25:03         23         06:30:00 
4  A-1  23.10.2021  06:33:12         29         06:45:00 
5  A-1  23.10.2021  06:44:05         38         06:45:00 

and in final stage as a different dataframe, difference of each minimum and maximum value for each time bucket would be written:

     A         Diff   TimeBuckets
0  A-1            5      06:15:00  
1  A-1            4      06:30:00    
2  A-1            8      06:45:00


  • IIUC, you could use dt.ceil and GroupBy.agg:

       .groupby('TimeBuckets', as_index=False)
       .agg({'A': 'first', 'Cumulative': lambda x: x.max()-x.min()})


      TimeBuckets    A  Cumulative
    0    06:15:00  A-1           5
    1    06:30:00  A-1           4
    2    06:45:00  A-1           9