I would like CircleMarker to set the color using an argument, is there such a possibility? I have dataframe something like this below:
lon lat segment
ABMF00GLP -61.528 16.262 41
ABPO00MDG 47.229 -19.018 71
ACRG00GHA -0.207 5.641 16
AGGO00ARG -58.140 -34.874 4
AIRA00JPN 130.600 31.824 20
... ... ... ...
YKRO00CIV -5.240 6.871 16
ZAMB00ZMB 28.311 -15.426 90
ZECK00RUS 41.565 43.788 67
ZIM200CHE 7.465 46.877 81
ZIM300CHE 7.465 46.877 81
I can add markers with the same color like below, unfortunately I don't know how to make it segment dependent.
for x in df.index:
color = "red",
Introduce a continuous colormap and set minimum and maximum values in segment columns. Takes a segment value as an argument in the marker color setting. See this for more information about colormaps.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import io
import folium
import branca.colormap as cm
data = '''
id lon lat segment
ABMF00GLP -61.528 16.262 41
ABPO00MDG 47.229 -19.018 71
ACRG00GHA -0.207 5.641 16
AGGO00ARG -58.140 -34.874 4
AIRA00JPN 130.600 31.824 20
YKRO00CIV -5.240 6.871 16
ZAMB00ZMB 28.311 -15.426 90
ZECK00RUS 41.565 43.788 67
ZIM200CHE 7.465 46.877 81
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), delim_whitespace=True)
linear = cm.LinearColormap(["green", "yellow", "red"], vmin=df['segment'].min(), vmax=df['segment'].max())
m = folium.Map([df['lat'].mean(), df['lon'].mean()], tiles="cartodbpositron", zoom_start=2)
for _, row in df.iterrows():
folium.CircleMarker([row.lat, row.lon],
color = linear(row.segment),