Python's click module have choice-options, when the input is invalid:
import click
type=click.Choice(['MD5', 'SHA1'], case_sensitive=False))
def digest(hash_type):
# python --hash-type=HASH256
# Error: Invalid value for '--hash-type': 'HASH256' is not one of 'MD5', 'SHA1'.
if __name__=="__main__":
the script above will exit when the user input invalid choice, and it print out the valid choices for you, which is convenient.
I try to rewrite it in Raku:
# raku demo.raku --hash_type=HASH256
sub MAIN(
:$hash_type where * ∈ ['MD5', 'SHA1'], #= the hash code
) {
say $hash_type;
When offter an invalid choice, Raku just output the Usage, which is less awesome:
demo.raku [--hash_type[=Any where { ... }]]
--hash_type[=Any where { ... }] the hash code
So, How to get better error prompt if the input value from command line not in a list of valide choice in the MAIN routine?
enum HT <MD5 SHA1>;
sub MAIN(
HT :$hash_type!,
) {
say $hash_type;
-e '...' [--hash_type=<HT> (MD5 SHA1)]
--hash_type=<HT> (MD5 SHA1) the hash code