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How do I write a struct with dynamic generics?

Let's say I have the following struct

trait T{}
struct A<X:T>{

I'm wondering whether something like this is possible

Box<A<dyn T>>

Currently I get errors

the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `(dyn T + 'static)`

but when I add

trait T:Sized{}

I get

the trait cannot be made into an object because it requires `Self: Sized`


  • It is possible, but generics have the Sized bound by default, which prevents them from being instantiated by a trait object, which is unsized. You need to specify T: ?Sized:

    trait T {}
    struct A<X: ?Sized + T> {}


    trait T {}
    impl T for () {}
    struct A<X: ?Sized + T> {
        value: X,
    fn foo() {
        let _ = Box::<A<()>>::new(A { value: () }) as Box<A<dyn T>>;
