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Best practice when dealing with C++ iostreams

I'm writing a command-line utility for some text processing. I need a helper function (or two) that does the following:

  1. If the filename is -, return standard input/output;
  2. Otherwise, create and open a file, check for error, and return it.

And here comes my question: what is the best practice to design/implement such a function? What should it look like?

I first considered the old-school FILE*:

FILE *open_for_read(const char *filename)
    if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0)
        return stdin;
        auto fp = fopen(filename, "r");
        if (fp == NULL)
            throw runtime_error(filename);
        return fp;

It works, and it's safe to fclose(stdin) later on (in case one doesn't forget to), but then I would lose access to the stream methods such as std::getline.

So I figure, the modern C++ way would be to use smart pointers with streams. At first, I tried

unique_ptr<istream> open_for_read(const string& filename);

This works for ifstream but not for cin, because you can't delete cin. So I have to supply a custom deleter (that does nothing) for the cin case. But suddenly, it fails to compile, because apparently, when supplied a custom deleter, the unique_ptr becomes a different type.

Eventually, after many tweaks and searches on StackOverflow, this is the best I can come up with:

unique_ptr<istream, void (*)(istream *)> open_for_read(const string &filename)
    if (filename == "-")
        return {static_cast<istream *>(&cin), [](istream *) {}};
        unique_ptr<istream, void (*)(istream *)> pifs{new ifstream(filename), [](istream *is)
                                                          delete static_cast<ifstream *>(is);
        if (!pifs->good())
            throw runtime_error(filename);
        return pifs;

It is type-safe and memory-safe (or at least I believe so; do correct me if I'm wrong), but this looks kind of ugly and boilerplate, and above all, it is such a headache to just get it to compile.

Am I doing it wrong and missing something here? There's gotta be a better way.


  • I would probably make it into

    std::istream& open_for_read(std::ifstream& ifs, const std::string& filename) {
        return filename == "-" ? std::cin : (, ifs);

    and then supply an ifstream to the function.

    std::ifstream ifs;
    auto& is = open_for_read(ifs, the_filename);
    // now use `is` everywhere:
    if(!is) { /* error */ }
    while(std::getline(is, line)) {
        // ...

    ifs will, if it was opened, be closed when it goes out of scope as usual.

    A throwing version might look like this:

    std::istream& open_for_read(std::ifstream& ifs, const std::string& filename) {
        if(filename == "-") return std::cin;;
        if(!ifs) throw std::runtime_error(filename + ": " + std::strerror(errno));
        return ifs;