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Bulk delete sqs queues using boto3

I want to delete about 300-400 sqs queues. i am trying to do it using lambda function and boto3. My programming skills are not that good. I am trying to do something like this

def delete_queues (event, context):
    response = client.list_queues(

    for i in response:
        del_queue = client.delete_queue(QueueUrl=response[i])

Listing the queues gives me a list of URLs separated by a ','.

  "QueueUrls": [

I want to loop through the list and delete the URLs because the delete API call only wants string as input. When i run this it gives me the below error:

"errorMessage": "Parameter validation failed:\nInvalid type for parameter QueueUrl, value: ['', '', '', '', '', ''], type: <class 'list'>, valid types: <class 'str'>"

Could someone please help me correct this. Thanks.


  • You can iterate directly over the queue urls, rather then their indices. Thus it should be:

    for sqs_url in response['QueueUrls']:
       print(f'Deleting {sqs_url}...')
       del_queue = client.delete_queue(QueueUrl=sqs_url)