Is it possible to format string in scientific notation in the following ways:
set fixed places in exponent: 1
set fixed decimal places in mantissa: 0
double number = 123456.789
So the number should be formated
I am not able to set 0 decimal points for mantissa:
cout << scientific << number;
I'm not sure what C++ compiler you're using that's giving you 3 digits for the exponent—the C and C++ standards require a minimum of 2 digits for that, and that's what g++ does. There's no way to get only one digit using the standard C or C++ I/O functions, so you'll have to roll your own solution. Since doing a floating-point to string conversion is a very tricky problem [PDF], I'd strongly recommend not doing that and postprocessing the result instead.
Here's one way to do that:
// C version; you can rewrite this to use std::string in C++ if you want
void my_print_scientific(char *dest, size_t size, double value)
// First print out using scientific notation with 0 mantissa digits
snprintf(dest, size, "%.0e", value);
// Find the exponent and skip the "e" and the sign
char *exponent = strchr(dest, 'e') + 2;
// If we have an exponent starting with 0, drop it
if(exponent != NULL && exponent[0] == '0')
exponent[0] = exponent[1];
exponent[1] = '\0';