I'm using pygsheets to work with Google Spreadsheets and Drive. I need to upload more than 10000 files to the company Drive, but each time when I use service account, I get an error after uploading 200-ish files. The error as follows:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "dailyLimitExceededUnreg",
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.",
"extendedHelp": "https://code.google.com/apis/console"
"code": 403,
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
I checked my Cloud console. I don't overuse the limitations on the amount of requests per any given time. I wait 10 seconds between each request.
Attaching relevant code below:
def upload_cluster(sheets, cluster_array):
max_global = 0
max_local = 0
max_traffic = 0
sum_global = 0
sum_local = 0
sum_traffic = 0
keywords = len(cluster_array)
cluster_name = ''
for elem in cluster_array:
if elem.get('Global volume') >= max_global:
cluster_name = elem.get('Keyword')
max_global = elem.get('Global volume')
if elem.get('Volume') > max_local:
max_local = elem.get('Volume')
if elem.get('Traffic potential') > max_traffic:
max_traffic = elem.get('Traffic potential')
sum_global += elem.get('Global volume')
sum_local += elem.get('Volume')
sum_traffic += elem.get('Traffic potential')
book = sheets.create(title=re.sub('\"', '', cluster_name), folder='FOLDER_ID')
link = f'HYPERLINK(\"https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/{book.id}\",\"{cluster_name}\")'
dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(cluster_array)
out_sheet = book.worksheet(property='index', value=0)
out_sheet.set_dataframe(df=dataframe, start='A1', extend=True, copy_head=True, copy_index=False)
cluster_summary = {
'Cluster': link,
'Volume': sum_local,
'Global volume': sum_global,
'Traffic potential': sum_traffic,
'Max volume': max_local,
'Max global volume': max_global,
'Max traffic potential': max_traffic,
'Queries': keywords
return cluster_summary
def main():
gsheets = pygsheets.authorize(service_account_file='service-account.json')
for i in range(len(output_keywords) - 1):
if not output_keywords[i].get('Clustered'):
cluster = []
cluster_max = get_vol(output_keywords[i].get('Global volume'))
cluster_urls = output_keywords[i].get('URLs')
output_keywords[i]['Clustered'] = True
print(f'Added to cluster: {cluster[-1]}')
for j in range(len(output_keywords)):
if not output_keywords[j].get('Clustered'):
if len(set(cluster_urls) & set(output_keywords[j].get('URLs'))) >= 4:
output_keywords[j]['Clustered'] = True
print(f'Added to cluster: {cluster[-1]}')
print('Uploading cluster...')
clusters.append(upload_cluster(gsheets, cluster))
print(f'Uploaded: {clusters[-1]}')
cluster = []
I've tried authorizing via client secret too and it seems to work fine, but unfortunately, i cannot see the uploaded files in the folder.
Service account HAS access to the Drive folders.
After some more testing I've noticed that the script chokes on one specific file due to that file having '
in it's name. After using RegEx to remove '
from the file name it didn't choke. Weird, but okay. Anyone has any thoughts on why this might have happened? I thought Google Drive doesn't have forbidden characters for naming files.