I am trying to write a something like a repl in Haskell and I want to replicate this code in C:
for (int c = getc(stdin); c != 'e'; c = getc(stdin)) {
printf("I got %c!\n", c);
I could use recursion but I am afraid of exeeding the limit.
You should use recursion. Haskell is designed to handle recursion without limits, and recursion can and should be used even for effectively infinite loops (e.g., event processing loops or REPL loops).
So, you could more or less write your program as follows:
main = do
txt <- getLine
if txt /= "exit" then do
putStrLn $ "I got " ++ txt ++ "!"
else do
return ()
$ ./repl
I got foo!
I got bar!
I've written it to grab a whole line of input instead of single character, since there are typically issues with buffered input when trying to grab input character by character. This infinite recursion works fine and will not exceed any limit no matter how many billions of lines it processes before exiting.
In most real-world programs, you don't want the whole main program to loop, so you typically write something like the following. Here, I've used when
which is a nicer looking way of writing the pattern if xxx then yyy else return ()
import Control.Monad -- for definition of "when"
main = do
-- initialization
putStrLn $ "Welcome to my REPL!"
-- start the main loop
-- clean up
putStrLn $ "Thanks so much for using my REPL!"
-- definition of main loop
loop = do
txt <- getLine
when (txt /= "exit") $ do
putStrLn $ "I got " ++ txt ++ "!"