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How to model this function in PyTorch

I want to train a feed-forward Neural Network with a single hidden layer that models the below equation.

h = g(W1.input1 + V1.input2 + b)
output1 = f(W2.h + b_w)
output2 = f(V2.h + b_v)

f and g are activation functions, h is the hidden representation, W1, W2, V1, V2 are Weight matrices, b, b_w, b_v are respective biases.

I can't concatenate 2 inputs because that will result in a single Weight matrix. I can't train two separate NNs because the latent representation will miss the interaction between 2 inputs. Any help is much appreciated. I have also attached the NN diagram below

NN Diagram


  • I decided to write my own Linear layer which calculates h = g(W1.input1 + V1.input2 + b) I do this by creating 2 parameters W1 and V1 multiply input1 and input2 with the 2 parameters and then add everything. The code is given below:

    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    import math
    class MyLinearLayer(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, size_in1, size_out1):
            self.size_in1, self.size_out1 = size_in1, size_out1
            W_1 = torch.Tensor(size_out1, size_in1)
            V_1 = torch.Tensor(size_out1, size_in1)
            self.W1 = nn.Parameter(W_1)
            self.V1 = nn.Parameter(V_1)
            bias = torch.Tensor(size_out1)
            self.bias = nn.Parameter(bias)
        def forward(self, x):
            w_times_x=[0], self.W1.t())
            v_times_x=[1], self.V1.t())
            weight_times_x = torch.add(w_times_x, v_times_x)
            return torch.add(weight_times_x, self.bias)  # w times x + w times v + b
    class NN(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, in_ch, h_ch, out_ch):
            self.input = MyLinearLayer(in_ch, h_ch)
            self.W2 = nn.Linear(h_ch, out_ch)
            self.V2= nn.Linear(h_ch, out_ch)
            self.act = nn.ReLU()
        def forward(self, i1, i2):
            # I pass in stacked input 
            inp = torch.stack([i1,i2])
            h = self.act(self.input(inp))
            o1 = self.act(self.W2(h)) 
            o2 = self.act(self.V2(h))
            return o1, o2
    model = NN(5, 10, 5)
    o1,o2 = model(torch.rand(2, 5), torch.rand(2, 5))
    for name, param in model.named_parameters():
        if param.requires_grad:
            print(name, '->',

    output 7 parameters to be trained:

    input.W1 -> torch.Size([10, 5])
    input.V1 -> torch.Size([10, 5])
    input.bias -> torch.Size([10])
    W2.weight -> torch.Size([5, 10])
    W2.bias -> torch.Size([5])
    V2.weight -> torch.Size([5, 10])
    V2.bias -> torch.Size([5])

    Thanks for all the inputs @aretor, @Ivan, and @DerekG