I draw a path consisting of 2 lines going up and then back down to the same spot, or almost the same spot, but the first line is drawn too high. If I then draw the same lines using DrawLine I don't see the issue. Why is this happening?
Below is an example. Just drop a 400x400 TImage on a blank multiplatform form. The code draws 2 red paths, one with close to a 180 degree angle between the lines and one with less of an angle. The same lines are then drawn using DrawLine in blue. If the DrawPath function works correctly then the blue lines should completely cover the red lines, but they don't. In this example with a scale of 1.5 the path extends 7 pixels too high for the first path. The extent of the error reduces as the lines get further apart. The issue still happens with a scale of 1, but is less obvious.
procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
LPath1, LPath2 : TPathData;
i : Integer;
// A path of 2 lines going up and then back down to almost the same spot
LPath1 := TPathData.Create;
LPath1.LineTo(PointF(100,50 ));
// A path of 2 lines going up and then back down at a wider angle
LPath2 := TPathData.Create;
LPath2.LineTo(PointF(200,50 ));
Image1.Bitmap.BitmapScale := 1.5; // The issue shows up more at larger scales
Image1.Bitmap.SetSize(Trunc(Image1.Width), Trunc(Image1.Height));
with Image1.Bitmap.Canvas do if BeginScene then begin
// Draw the paths using DrawPath in red
Stroke.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Red;
Stroke.Thickness := 1;
DrawPath(LPath1, 1);
DrawPath(LPath2, 1);
// Draw the paths using DrawLine in blue over the top
// The red lines should be completely hidden under the blue
Stroke.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Blue;
for i := 1 to LPath1.Count - 1 do
DrawLine(LPath1.Points[i-1].Point, LPath1.Points[i].Point, 1);
for i := 1 to LPath2.Count - 1 do
DrawLine(LPath2.Points[i-1].Point, LPath2.Points[i].Point, 1);
Result of the code when run in Windows 10. I'm using Delphi 11, but the same issue happens with Delphi 10. I've tried switching GPU but the same issue occurs.
Enlarged view:
I've come to the conclusion that this isn't a glitch at all. It's because the default setting of TCanvas.Stroke.Join is TStrokeJoin.Miter. The artefact seen is just the sharp spike of the mitred corner. Using MoveTo before each line segment when constructing the path does solve the issue (because there's no join between the separate line segments) but so does setting the TCanvas.Stroke.Join parameter to TStrokeJoin.Round or TStrokeJoin.Bevel.
Note that at very sharp angles approaching 180 degrees, the miter join would become infinite. However, it appears to be limited somehow, perhaps in proportion to the stroke thickness. I don't think there's a way to change this miter limit in delphi.