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How to replace values that correspond to polygons by NA?

I have a raster and a shapefile:


r <- raster(matrix(rnorm(10*12), nrow=10), xmn = -180, xmx= 180, ymn = -90, ymx= 90)
mtq <- st_read(system.file("gpkg/mtq.gpkg", package="cartography"), quiet = TRUE)

I would like to intersect the raster r with the shapefile mtq and make the corresponding pixels to the all polygons as NA (replace the values of the pixels in the raster by NA) and return the raster.


  • You are likely looking for mask; it lives in both oldish {raster} and shiny new {terra}.

    Note that I had to rewrite your r object a bit, as it was not quite compatible with the Martinique vector object from {cartography}.

    Edit: if, as seems to be indicated in the comments, you are looking for replacing with NAs the values inside the polygon (and not outside) my answer is still raster::mask(), only with a little tweaking of the masking object (you need the inverse of the polygon over the extent of your raster).

    mtq <- st_read(system.file("gpkg/mtq.gpkg", package="cartography"), quiet = TRUE) %>% 
      dplyr::summarise() # dissolve internal boundaries
    r <- raster(matrix(rnorm(10*12), nrow=10), 
                xmn = st_bbox(mtq)["xmin"], 
                xmx= st_bbox(mtq)["xmax"], 
                ymn = st_bbox(mtq)["ymin"], 
                ymx= st_bbox(mtq)["ymax"], 
                crs = st_crs(mtq))
    plot(r) # original raster - full extent + range

    enter image description here

    # the masking object:
    mask <- st_bbox(r) %>% # take extent of your raster... 
      st_as_sfc() %>% # make it a sf object
      st_set_crs(st_crs(mtq)) %>% # in CRS of your polygon 
      st_difference(mtq) %>% # intersect with the polygon object
      st_as_sf() # interpret as sf (and not sfc) object
    result <- r %>% 
    plot(st_geometry(mtq), add = T)

    enter image description here