In my s3 bucket I have around 30 csv files, classified into 3 categories. With my lambda I am interested to pick only 8 of them which belong to category 1. I had used the response from the next question: Reading multiple csv files from S3 bucket with boto3
so I formulated the next code:
def read_prefix_to_df(prefix,s3_resource,bucket_name):
bucket = s3_resource.Bucket(bucket_name)
prefix_objs = bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=prefix)
prefix_df = []
for obj in prefix_objs:
key = obj.key
body = obj.get()['Body'].read()
df = pd.DataFrame(body)
return prefix_df
Where :
all the 8 files have almost the same name except the date at the end that's why I used the * to pick all files related to data_overview_ Unfortunately, the returned dataframe was empty, shall I change the prefix?
Prefixes cannot contain wildcard characters.
You should use:
prefix = 'folder/data_overview_`
If you need to further limit to only CSV files, then you will need to do that with an if
statement within your Python code.