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What does IRenderFunction interface definition mean in FluentUI?

I'm new to typescript and have started to working with DetailsList in Fluent UI.

I am looking into the prop onRenderRow which is of type IRenderFunction.

Here, I understand that props is of the generic type P and defaultRender is a function with props as argument and returns JSX.Element or null type. But what does parentheses around both of these mean? Is it a function type? How should an implementation of this interface look like?

(props?: P, defaultRender?: (props?: P) => JSX.Element | null)

This as a whole is also returning JSX.Element or null type.


  • This is a function with two parameters props and defaultRender.

    But what does parentheses around both of these mean? Is it a function type?

    Yes! Return value of that function is JSX.Element or null.

    First parameter props is generic type P and the second one defaultRender is a function with one parameter props generic type P which returns JSX.Element | null.

    Here you are an example how to change a background color of row:

      onRenderRow={(props, defaultRender) => {
        // props and defaultRender could be undefined
        if (props && defaultRender) {
          return defaultRender({
            styles: {
              root: {
                backgroundColor: '#f00',
        return null;

    Codepen working example.