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How to login manually to telegram account with pyrogram without interactive console

I'm using Python's pyrogram lib to login to multiple accounts. I need to create a function just to send verification code to account and then read it from other user input (not the default pyrogram login prompt).

When I use send_code it sends code and waits for user input from console and that what I don't want it to do. I need simply a function that takes phone number as parameter and send confirmation code to it, and a function then to login with that confirmation code (got from user input somewhere else, e.g.: from telegram message to a linked bot or ....


  • I found a way to do it but with Telethon :

    client = TelegramClient('sessionfile',api_id,api_hash)
    def getcode():
        code = ... # get the code from somewhere ( bot, file etc.. )
        return code

    this will login , gets confirmation code from specific function and then uses it to login , and store session file