below is code for operator overloading for unary operator ++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Distance {
int feet; // 0 to infinite
int inches; // 0 to 12
// required constructors
Distance() {
feet = 0;
inches = 0;
Distance(int f, int i) {
feet = f;
inches = i;
// method to display distance
void displayDistance() {
cout << "F: " << feet << " I:" << inches <<endl;
// overloaded minus (-) operator
Distance operator++ () {
feet = feet+1;
inches = inches+1;
return Distance(feet, inches);
int main() {
Distance D1(11, 10), D2(-5, 11);
++D1; // increment by 1
D1.displayDistance(); // display D1
++D2; // increment by 1
D2.displayDistance(); // display D2
return 0;
when I use above code then I can successfully use prefix operator ++D1 and ++D2 but I am not getting how to overload postfix operator D1++ and D2++ even if I try these in above code it showing me error so how can we use concept of operator overloading for postfix and prefix separately?
if you want post-inc/dec then the code will be :
Distance operator++ (int) {
feet = feet+1;
inches = inches+1;
return Distance(feet, inches);
we use int
in formal parameter . it is just crate different between post/pre-fix.
The prefix form of the operator is declared exactly the same way as any other unary operator; the postfix form accepts an extra argument of type int.