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I need to unpivot columns to rows where pairs of columns stay together in the results

The following article comes close, but I can't make the leap to my need: Unpivot pairs of associated columns to rows

IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.tst_CrossApply') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.tst_CrossApply;

create table dbo.tst_CrossApply
  GivenDay varchar(32) null,
  OtherData  varchar(32) null,
  CODRPL varchar(32) null,
  COD varchar (32) null,
  BODRPL varchar(32) null,
  BOD varchar (32) null,

insert into dbo.tst_CrossApply values ( 'Day1','OtherData1','<', '5','', '10')
insert into dbo.tst_CrossApply values ( 'Day2','OtherData2', '', '20','<', '30')

SELECT * FROM dbo.tst_CrossApply

SELECT t.[GivenDay],t.[OtherData],v.[RPL],v.[Result]
FROM [dbo].[tst_CrossApply] t

Original Table and after CrossApply

The above script returns the above with the second piture minus the needed Column 'Parameter'.
I can get this column, but not the pairing of the RPL and Result columns using UNPIVOT In my database there are several 'OtherData' columns, and several pairs of columns to CrossApply and/or UNPIVOT.

The following includes the Parameter column I need, which is one of the second of the paried column headings.

Needed result

Any help is appreciated.


  • You're close. See the "Unpivoting" example linked in the next thread.

    SELECT t.[GivenDay]
           , t.[OtherData]
           , v.[Param]
           , v.[RPL]
           , v.[Result]
    FROM    [dbo].[tst_CrossApply] t
          VALUES ('COD', [CODRPL], [COD])
               , ('BOD', [BODRPL], [BOD])
        ) v ([Param], [RPL],[Result])

    Update 2022-03-02

    I'm not aware of a simple alternative using UNPIVOT. The closest I could get was more convoluted than just using CROSS APPLY

    SELECT cod.GivenDay, cod.OtherData, cod.Param, cod.RPL, cod.Result
    FROM   (
              SELECT  GivenDay, OtherData, COD, CODRPL AS RPL
              FROM    [dbo].[tst_CrossApply] t
           ) pvt
              Result FOR Param IN (COD)  
           ) AS cod
    SELECT bod.GivenDay, bod.OtherData, bod.Param, bod.RPL, bod.Result
    FROM   (
              SELECT  GivenDay, OtherData, BOD, BODRPL AS RPL
              FROM    [dbo].[tst_CrossApply] t
           ) pvt
              Result FOR Param IN (BOD)  
           ) AS bod
    ORDER BY GivenDay, OtherData, Param

    db<>fiddle here