Search code examples

IF TRUE then Variable name

I have a series of TRUE and FALSE variables representing search findings, ex: Cellphones, Knifes, Money, etc. My goal is to change the values TRUE for the name of the variable. Note that I would like to do this for 15 or more variables.

df <- data.frame(cellphone = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE),
                 money = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE),
                 knife = c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
                 whatIneed = c("cellphone", "cellphone", "", "cellphone",""))

  cellphone money knife whatIneed
1      TRUE FALSE  TRUE cellphone
2      TRUE FALSE  TRUE cellphone
3     FALSE FALSE FALSE          
4      TRUE  TRUE FALSE cellphone
5     FALSE FALSE FALSE       


  • In base R, an option is to loop over the subset of columns that are logical rowwise, get the first column name based on the logical vector

    df$whatIneed <- apply(df[1:3], 1, function(x) names(x)[x][1])
    [1] "cellphone" "cellphone" NA          "cellphone" NA     

    If we want to do this individually on each column

    df %>%
          ~ case_when(.x ~ cur_column()), .names = "{.col}_name"))


    cellphone money knife whatIneed cellphone_name money_name knife_name
    1      TRUE FALSE  TRUE cellphone      cellphone       <NA>      knife
    2      TRUE FALSE  TRUE cellphone      cellphone       <NA>      knife
    3     FALSE FALSE FALSE                     <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
    4      TRUE  TRUE FALSE cellphone      cellphone      money       <NA>
    5     FALSE FALSE FALSE                     <NA>       <NA>       <NA>