Hi I can select and put to list some specific text from string for example, I have a string
"== example ==
Random text here
=== example2 ==="
I need select a text on example place and bellow an example but of another = stop example text put into a list together with text bellow but no exercise 2 only exercise without "==" and text below this list: I will try it with this:
import wikipedia
page = wikipedia.page("Albert Einstein")
text = page.content
lst = []
l = []
n = 1
for pos,char in enumerate(text):
if(char == "="):
if lst[n+1] == lst[n+2] +1:
print(text[lst[n+1]:lst[n+2] +1])
l.append(text[lst[n]:lst[n+1] +1])
n =+ 1
except IndexError:
expected output: ["Life and career", "Albert Einstein was born in Ulm(text bellow headers")
I can understand that you want to extract strings which are present in between == someString ==
, which essentially are headers of wikipedia page that you are searching for.
For these types of requirement, regex
is what you need and not manual string index searching. Would suggest you to read about regex
Here is the code for your use case
import wikipedia
import re
page = wikipedia.page("Albert Einstein")
text = page.content
regex_result = re.findall("==\s(.+?)\s==", text)
is a list containing strings
Snapshot of regex_result