I'm developing on an ESP32 with vscode and the ESPAsyncWebServer and Wifi libraries. I'm tring to make my own wifi manager, so I'd like to put some function in a class, but I've some trouble to point to member functions.
I have this definitions without class:
void onNotFound(AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
//Handle Unknown Request
String processor(const String& var)
return F("Hello world!");
return String;
I want to call them from a class witch is:
class My_Wifi {
Config *config;
DNSServer dnsServer;
AsyncWebServer server;
uint16_t serverPort = 80;
void onNotFound(AsyncWebServerRequest *request); <------
String processor(const String& var); <-----
void webServerSetup();
void setup(uint16_t port);
void sendJsonDoneResponse(AsyncWebServerRequest *request);
void My_Wifi::onNotFound(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {...}
String My_Wifi::processor(const String& var) {...}
void My_Wifi::webServerSetup() {
this->dnsServer.start(53, "*", WiFi.softAPIP());
this->server.onNotFound(this->onNotFound); <------
.serveStatic("/wifi_settings.html", SPIFFS, "/wifi_settings.html")
.setTemplateProcessor(this->processor) <------
Obviously this it's only to call the function not to reference it.
How can I call a member function via pointer ?
Thanks for your time.
I tryed:
typedef void (My_Wifi::*onNotFoundFn)(AsyncWebServerRequest *request);
void My_Wifi::webServerSetup() {
this->dnsServer.start(53, "*", WiFi.softAPIP());
onNotFoundFn ptr = &My_Wifi::onNotFound;
this->server.onNotFound(*ptr); //this->server.onNotFound(ptr);
In order to call member functions, you'll need to supply the object the member function is supposed to be called upon and it should match
typedef std::function<String(const String&)> AwsTemplateProcessor;
Example using a lambda, capturing this
.setTemplateProcessor([this](const String& str) { return processor(str); } )
A similar lambda for onNotFound
which should match
typedef std::function<void(AsyncWebServerRequest *request)> ArRequestHandlerFunction;
would look like this:
server.onNotFound([this](AsyncWebServerRequest* r) { onNotFound(r); });
Since you do not actually use this
in your onNotFound
callback, you could make your current callback function static
class My_Wifi {
static void onNotFound(AsyncWebServerRequest *request);
and supply that without a lambda:
Alternatively, do not create a member function at all. Just supply a lambda:
server.onNotFound([](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){ request->send(404); });