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How to bold text in c program

How do I Bold my PrintF? .. ( I am new in C)

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int i;
    for (i=1; i<=5; i++) {
        printf("Md.Mehedi hasan");
    return 0;


  • Tested in the terminal in Linux Ubuntu 18.04.

    To make that a little more readable, use some string literal macros for the color and formatting codes, like this:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #define COLOR_BOLD  "\e[1m"
    #define COLOR_OFF   "\e[m"
    int main(void)
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            printf(COLOR_BOLD "Md.Mehedi hasan\n" COLOR_OFF);
        return 0;

    Build and run cmd:

    mkdir -p bin && \
    gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O3 -std=c17 printf_bold_and_colors.c -o bin/a && \

    Here are a bunch more examples from some bash code of mine:

    # ANSI Color Code Examples to help make sense of the regex expressions below
    # Git config color code descriptions; see here:
    # ---------------    ----------------------------------------------------------------
    #                    Git config color code desription
    # ANSI Color Code    Order: text_color(x1) background_color(x1) attributes(0 or more)
    # ----------------   ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # \033[m             # code to turn off or "end" the previous color code
    # \033[1m            # "white"
    # \033[31m           # "red"
    # \033[32m           # "green"
    # \033[33m           # "yellow"
    # \033[34m           # "blue"
    # \033[36m           # "cyan"
    # \033[1;33m         # "yellow bold"
    # \033[1;36m         # "cyan bold"
    # \033[3;30;42m      # "black green italic" = black text with green background, italic text
    # \033[9;30;41m      # "black red strike" = black text with red background, strikethrough line through the text

    You can replace \033 (octal 33) with \e, as they mean the same thing just in different representations. See:

    For a bunch more color and formatting number codes, see this table here:

    You can use multiple formatting numbers by separating them with a semicolon (;), as shown in the examples below.

    A couple more really cool examples in C:

    // 1 = bold; 5 = slow blink; 31 = foreground color red
    // 34 = foreground color blue
    // See:
    #define COLOR_BOLD_SLOW_BLINKING      "\e[1;5m"
    #define COLOR_BOLD_SLOW_BLINKING_RED  "\e[1;5;31m"
    #define COLOR_BOLD_BLUE               "\e[1;34m"
    // Make "hello" bold and slow blinking and red, and "world" just bold and blue
           COLOR_BOLD_BLUE "world\n" COLOR_OFF);

    enter image description here

    Going further

    1. Run some more ANSI color code text colorization and formatting examples with blinking text and alternating even/odd color patterns in my eRCaGuy_hello_world repo here: printf_bold_and_colors.c


    1. The answer by SGeorgiades
    2. Gif tools (how I made the gif animated image above):
      1. Screen recorded with OBS studio; follow this tutorial for partial screen capture:
      2. .mkv video converted to .gif with ffmpeg -i in.mp4 out.gif, per my comment here.