I have a gender of a person and i want to create such filter
How can i set deafault "men" value in this filter?
When user select another value and then deselect value i need to return default value in the filter
I've already tried to create such a calculated field, but it does not work with
MIN({FIXED: COUNTD([gender])}) <> MIN({EXCLUDE [gender]: COUNTD([gender])}) OR MIN([gender])="men"
There are several tutorials about creating a default value for filtering (and several different techniques), one of them is this one: Dynamic Parameters, Default Values and the Flexibility to Choose
For me, if you just have to put "men" as default (I mean, not a calculated value, like today's DateTime), you can just filter man before publishing your dashboard to Tableau Server/Tableau Online and every use that navigates your content will find this value selected.